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What is this Magical Thing Called Trust?

Learn essential strategies for building trust in relationships, including consistency, vulnerability, and open communication. Discover how to create and maintain trustworthy connections.

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March 26, 2023
This Is What Men Want in a Relationship
Times are evolving for men. The stereotypes of men from the past: strong, silent types are shifting. More men are interested in engaging with their partners in meaningful ways and are more open to assuming and thriving in non-traditional roles.
March 12, 2023
Do Both Parties Have to Come in For Successful Couples Therapy?
Through unpacking her own childhood and her parent’s divorce, she was able to recognize the fear of rejection and failure that seemed to steer her within her relationship.
February 18, 2023
Here's What Women Want In a Relationship
The truth is that it’s not as complicated as some might make it seem. Men and women’s desires in a relationship can be different and understanding this is helpful in navigating a relationship. Generally, men tend to be visual in their desires, while women tend to be auditory, meaning they not only want to see the qualities they desire, but they want to hear them.
January 16, 2023
How to Identify and Manage Solvable vs. Perpetual Differences as a Couple
Dealing with conflict is a major part of engaging in any relationship. People are unique and when they want to join and realize some of the pieces do not fit, conflict ensues! It is inevitable and much of it is resolvable through effective communication skills, a genuine willingness to engage with your partner, humor and affection.
January 16, 2023
Can "Corporate Me" and "Authentic Me" Coexist?
Restoring in this client’s case was about helping her return to her essence, her passions. Gradually our conversations have turned from what to do about anxiety and more towards its root. Where or what is causing the anxiety. She has had some insights lately about her need for security and safety and therefore law school was the “logical” answer. And now that she has climbed the corporate ladder and has seniority, she is able to recognize that there is something missing …
January 16, 2023
5 Things You Can Do When Struggling With Indecision
Making decisions can be scary for many of us. The pressure to do or say the "right" things can be overwhelming and at times immobilizing!. Yet, not making a decision, is a decision! So what can we do?
December 20, 2022
Two Uncomplicated Rules for the Heart to Set Boundaries this Holiday Season
Reflecting on these two simple, meaning uncomplicated, rules will help you move through the holidays more peacefully. I realize that they are not that "simple" especially with the expectations from family, friends, work, and children. Each area of our life has expectations. Prioritizing and honoring your heart does not mean that all will end in conflict.
November 26, 2022
Ways That You Can Give Yourself Closure After a Relationship Ends
When a relationship ends, whether with a coworker, friend or lover, it can be painful. When a relationship ends without both parties understanding why it’s ending, then it can be even more painful. As human beings, we want understanding, we want questions answered and we generally do not like surprises like being left, cheated on or somehow not belonging to our chosen group. Lack of information can lead to holding grudges and resentments that can cloud future interactions with others.
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Gilza Fort Therapy Services
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You can expect to find me sipping on my coffee, in my office, ready to roll-up my sleeves to get you moving forward in life.

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