January 27, 2021
9 Ways to Know You’re Ready for a Relationship

So you’ve been single for a while, but now you’re looking to meet someone new and re-engage in a romantic relationship. If you want to live a fulfilled life and build a healthy relationship you should never enter it for the wrong reasons. Entering a relationship without being ready can cause future hurt and problems in the long run. So how do you know when it’s time?

So you’ve been single for a while, but now you’re looking to meet someone new and re-engage in a romantic relationship. If you want to live a fulfilled life and build a healthy relationship you should never enter it for the wrong reasons. Entering a relationship without being ready can cause future hurt and problems in the long run. So how do you know when it’s time?

Here are a few signs that indicate you’re ready to take that leap into a new relationship.

You are happy with your life.

At this point, you’re actively working through your own issues and are on a path of growth. You’re happy with your life because you understand that happiness comes from within, and you embrace and love yourself in a way you hadn’t before.

You can be alone without being lonely.

There is a huge difference between these terms. Loneliness implies you’re lacking something. If you’ve learned to enjoy solitude and have taken this time to have a healthier relationship with yourself, then you’ll be better equipped to have one with someone else.

You understand that a new relationship does not “fix everything.”

You understand that the “fixing” must come from inside you, not from entering a new relationship. Your partner is meant to enhance your life, not complete it. Knowing how to take the time to reflect and reset your values will help you maintain them once you connect with someone new.

You are open to new “types.”

We often think we have a “type” that we’re attracted to, whether that is through physical or personality features. Being truly open to exploring new types and parts of you that can blend better with others may be a surprising experience and key to meeting someone new.

You have let go of comparison thinking.

When we have been hurt, it's inevitable to compare and contrast our present to our past. If you’ve moved away from doing this and are able to catch yourself when you do and stay focused on the present, then you are in a good place to start something new.

You understand the importance of communication.

Communication is a two-way street and until you haven’t mastered this then a healthy romantic relationship can’t blossom. Communication takes one person listening as the other speaks. It involves no interruptions or profanity, and using clarifying statements to help bridge understanding.

You are ready for compromise.

Being open to sharing your life with someone means that things aren;t always going to go your way. Learning how to compromise does not mean submission or accommodation. Being able to value your partner’s thoughts and feelings in order to create space for both of you is a big sign you’re ready to be in a relationship.

You are ready to accept someone new as they are.

If you’re able to enter a relationship fully accepting your partner and understand that changing someone does not happen unless that person is ready and willing to change, then you’re off to a good start.

You are ready to blend your life with another’s.

This is a big one. Knowing how to balance your privacy, and solo moments while having the ability to fully enter your partner's world is important to build a happy and lasting connection.

Deciding to re-engage with someone new is both exciting and scary. It means trusting yourself in order to trust someone else, yet it all starts with the Self! Allow yourself the time, space and energy to explore these indicators, maybe with a professional, so that your next adventure in connection is truly a satisfying one.
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