July 28, 2021
How To Embrace and Trust Uncertainty

Some of us are most content and blissful when in our routine. We enjoy knowing exactly what we believe in, what to expect and where we are going. Change, on the other hand, sends us into a tailspin! Even when we know something isn’t working anymore, we stick to it, to the familiar, because the unknown is too scary!

Some of us are most content and blissful when in our routine. We enjoy knowing exactly what we believe in, what to expect and where we are going. Change, on the other hand, sends us into a tailspin! Even when we know something isn’t working anymore, we stick to it, to the familiar, because the unknown is too scary!

So how can we learn to embrace and trust uncertainty?

  1. Remember that change is natural.  Greek philosophers stated that the universe is meant to be perpetually in flux, seasons keep changing, rivers keep flowing, our cells replace themselves. Remind yourself that movement and change is not just something happening to you, it’s a natural part of life
  2. Consider that change is about hope. If you take a risk and jump into change, what you are really saying is that you believe in tomorrow and that you want to be a part of tomorrow. Shifting things around a bit can bring new and positive things to your life.
  3. Pinpoint the fear. With every loss, there is something to gain. When you are scared, ask yourself “What is my opportunity here? What scares me? What could be great?” Asking yourself these questions, before taking action, can give you the impulse you need to embrace change with more confidence.
  4. Remind yourself of your story. Jot down the major obstacles from the last 5 years and how you overcame them. What did you learn about yourself? Change has already happened to you before and looking back can help you feel better about your ability to embrace change in the future.
  5. Manage the manageable. Make a list of the small things in your daily life that you DO manage well. The qualities and actions you have already mastered that will help you when change comes your way.
  6. Enjoy the respite! Allow yourself a moment to enjoy the little changes that YOU have control over. Call someone instead of texting them; have a cup of coffee outside instead of at your desk. Learn to enjoy the shift in routine.

Embracing change serves as a reminder that you are the captain of your ship and learning to navigate these waves will make your journey a more enjoyable one.

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