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My Experience and Advice for Women Navigating the Different Phases of Life and Career

Life is not linear, your career path isn't either. There are moments of 'plateau' and that's OK, so how do you navigate the different phases in your career?

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August 1, 2022
Tips to end your relationship in a healthy way
Breakups can be messy because matters of the heart are messy, but the key is to stay true to yourself and honor your feelings, and your decision. Whatever your situation may be, or however long your relationship has been, you owe it to yourself and to that person to end things in a healthy way...
July 24, 2022
We’re halfway through 2022, and this is what you need to do….
We are halfway through the year, and it's a perfect time to reflect and adjust habits, behaviors, and goals for what's left of the year. Here are a few to-do's as you head into the second half of the year. Remember, progress over perfection...
April 30, 2022
Are Your Red Flags the Reason You're Attracting Toxic Partners?
Though it's important to keep an eye out for these signs, we must look at ourselves first and evaluate our “Red Flags.” What are the things that you do and say in relationships that can potentially be pushing away compatible people and attracting toxic or incompatible folks?
April 23, 2022
A Personal Story About Emotional Recovery
The 4 R’s are a roadmap, a guide to restore and rebalance yourself after loss and betrayal.
March 31, 2022
Ladies, Let's Learn to Unlearn. Here's How...
The internal challenge for women is often in doing the “Self” and the implication that we then do not take care of others. Navigating that is at the core of the struggle. Who am I? vs. Who am I supposed to be?
March 21, 2022
Why It’s Important to Celebrate Your Small Wins
Somewhere along the path to adulthood, we tend to lose that clarity and willingness to see ourselves in all of our gloriousness. It tends to happen more to women than to men, although some men would debate this! How does that happen? When do we lose our joyfulness and the focus on celebrating?
February 28, 2022
Breaking Down Non-Traditional Relationships
There is a romanticized idea that there is ‘one person’ out there to fulfill all of our needs for our lifetime. The reality is that different people can fulfill different parts of us, and in creating different types of relationships, we may be able to grow different parts of ourselves. In getting to know ourselves better, we can allow ourselves the freedom to explore…on our own or in partnership.
February 14, 2022
Ways to Deal With Loneliness and Enjoy Valentine's Day On Your Own
Valentine’s Day was originally about religion, not romance. Over the centuries, the saint and the date, February 14, were further connected to the idea of romantic love through cupid, poetry and Hallmark cards. In the U.S., it has become associated with hearts, joy, and connection. It can also intensify the feelings of loss and sadness.However, feeling lonely is not limited to February 14. So how can we manage the disconnection and isolation that comes from loneliness?
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Gilza Fort Therapy Services
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You can expect to find me sipping on my coffee, in my office, ready to roll-up my sleeves to get you moving forward in life.

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